Better Beards: Why You Need a Beard Oil

Whether a man rocks a beard all year long or grows one over winter, beard care is a must. First-time beard growers and long-time wearers alike need to be familiar with how to properly care for their beard and keep it soft, healthy, and attractive. As men’s Grooming Specialists, our team is often a trusted resource for men looking for a better way to care for their beards. Here are some of our top reasons for recommending high-quality beard oil.

Prevents Split Ends

Just like the hair on your head, the hair in your beard can get unsightly, damaging split ends. This can lead to a frizzy, messy-looking beard. Split ends also can make your beard feel coarse and itchy, which isn’t a pleasant experience for anyone. Besides regular trims, beard oil will condition your beard, leaving it soft, hydrated, and well-protected from damage.

Prevents Dandruff

Plenty of guys neglect the skin under their beard but, just like your scalp, inadequately moisturized skin can get dry and flaky. This can lead to beard dandruff, which isn’t a good look on anyone. The good news is, a hydrating beard oil will not only take care of your hair, but also your skin! A once-daily application is all that’s needed to keep your face happy and flake-free.

Banishes Itchy Beards

If your beard is itchy, then chances are that it isn’t in its best condition. Split ends and damaged hair cuticles can cause tangles and make your beard itchy and rough. Beard hair is much coarser than the hair on your head, which is why it can irritate your skin or worse — the skin of anyone leaning in for a kiss. Regular use of quality beard oil will leave your beard soft, smelling great, and tangle-free. Now that’s something we can get behind!

What Makes a Beard Oil Great?

We know — adding yet another product to your morning grooming routine can be daunting, but hear us out. Beard oil is one product you absolutely need to have in your arsenal if you grow a beard, whether it’s a full beard or just a carefully trimmed scruff. Beard oils are usually made with super-moisturizing natural oils, like jojoba oil, castor oil, and argan oil. These popular oils have been used in conditioners and treatments for centuries. A beard oil may also contain essential oils, like cedar, sandalwood, vanilla, or coffee to leave a subtle scent behind.

Beard oils are moisturizers that are specially formulated for your beard hair, which is important. The hair of your beard differs greatly from the hair on your head, which is why hair conditioners can still leave beards feeling dry and brittle. Facial moisturizers, on the other hand, are too thick to soak into the hair and simply sit on top. This can leave you feeling greasy and even lead to breakouts. Beard oils balance the right amount of moisture and nutrients for your beard and skin, giving you the best possible results.

At The Gents Place, we’re passionate about better men’s grooming. Our Strategic Partners help us bring exceptional men’s grooming services to communities across the nation, giving men a place where they can gather, relax, and enjoy looking and feeling their very best. Want to learn more about our men’s grooming franchise opportunities? Discover our franchise process today.