Meet the Leadership Team: Lauren Davis

The Gents Place Franchise has a powerful team with an extensive resume covering every aspect of the business. The support that every location receives encompasses training, operations, marketing, retail, and much more. This is part of an ongoing series that will introduce you to various members of the leadership team that will help you build and grow your Gents Place franchise.

As the wife of Gents Place founder Ben Davis, Lauren Davis has been part of the Gents story from the very beginning. While her current title is Chief Culture Officer, in which she inspires and nurtures the spirit and well-being of all our team members, when there was only one TGP club in Frisco, Texas, you could have found Lauren handwriting envelopes to new homeowners (“Better open rates for handwritten addresses,” she insisted), designing Facebook ads, or interviewing and training every new team member.

Lauren is a mother of three, but most of our team members would tell you that her nurturing mother-like tendencies spread far into each club. She spends a lot of her time researching and consuming material to help fill the emotional and mental cups of our staff so that they, in turn, can help be inspiring parts of our members’ experience.

Whether it’s reading and absorbing the ideas of Brene Brown on the importance of authenticity and vulnerability in both personal and professional contexts, sharing favorite TED talks (like that of Dallas resident Shawn Achor), or helping to run cultural contests each quarter in which associates who are best living The Gents Place values are recognized, Lauren takes her job of communicating and reinforcing key ideas and concepts with the entire team very seriously, though she’ll confess that she loves doing it too, which makes it even more fun and interesting.

“As we scale,” she shared, “I’m going to be doing more traveling to make sure that all of our clubs are on the same page. We don’t want to let our ambitious plans for growth conflict with our obsession with service and quality, and the best way to do that is to hire for cultural fit, and to make sure that culture is living, not just words on a page.” Anyone who has met her can attest that Lauren perpetually lives our values and that helps reinforce how seriously we take them as a brand.